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Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
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1 Unit




KTZ Series KTZ pumps are designed to withstand the most demanding conditions, including those found in the highly abrasive waters of construction, aggregate, and mining dewatering. Versatility is increased as each pump model has the capability of easily converting between high head and high volume performance with a simple change of the impeller and wear plate. KTZ Seri Pompa KTZ dirancang untuk menahan kondisi yang paling menuntut, termasuk yang ditemukan di perairan yang sangat abrasif konstruksi, agregat, dan dewatering pertambangan. Fleksibilitas meningkat karena setiap model pompa memiliki kemampuan mudah mengkonversi antara kepala tinggi dan kinerja volume tinggi dengan perubahan sederhana dari impeller dan piring pakai. KTZ Series Features Discharge sizes from 2-6 inches and horsepower range from 2-15 hp. Utilizes 2-pole, 3600 rpm motors to achieve higher heads. High pressure rated mechanical seals are isolated to provide superior motor protection. Rugged cast iron construction. Pressure relief ports and exclusive oil lifter extend mechanical seal life, eliminating premature wear and failure in high head operations. Internal thermal motor protection. Anti-wicking cable entrance. KTZ Seri Fitur Discharge ukuran 2-6 inci dan jangkauan tenaga kuda 2-15 hp. Memanfaatkan 2-kutub, 3600 rpm motor untuk mencapai kepala lebih tinggi. Tekanan tinggi sil mekanik dinilai terisolasi untuk memberikan perlindungan motorik unggul. Konstruksi besi cor kasar. Port bantuan tekanan dan pengangkat minyak eksklusif memperpanjang umur sil mekanik, menghilangkan keausan dini dan kegagalan dalam operasi kepala tinggi. Internal bermotor perlindungan termal. Anti-wicking kabel masuk. Model Discharge Bore ( in.) Motor Output ( HP) Shipping Weight ( lbs.) Cable Length ( ft.) Diameter ( in.) Height ( in.) KTZ21.5-60 2 2 64 50 9 1/ 4 21 9/ 16 KTZ22.2-60 2 3 70 50 9 1/ 4 22 3/ 8 KTZ23.7-60 2 5 121 50 11 1/ 8 24 5/ 8 KTZ32.2-60 3 3 70 50 9 1/ 4 22 3/ 8 KTZ33.7-60 3 5 121 50 11 1/ 8 24 5/ 8 KTZ35.5-60 3 7.5 145 50 12 1/ 16 25 11/ 16 KTZ411-60 4 15 286 50 14 11/ 16 28 11/ 16 KTZ43.7-60 4 5 121 50 11 1/ 8 24 5/ 8 KTZ45.5-60 4 7.5 145 50 12 1/ 16 25 11/ 16 KTZ47.5-60 4 10 205 50 13 26 KTZ611-60 4/ 6 15 286 50 14 11/ 16 28 11/ 16 KTZ67.5-60 4/ 6 10 205 50 13 26
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